Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Post-Abortion Study information blog - Susie

For many women the pain of past abortion is overwhelming. They live with guilt and shame, and as some studies have shown depression. As one of these women I was struggling in my christian walk and I just couldn't get close to God. I joined a community group, did bible studies, read the Bible, but I always felt like an outsider looking in. You see because of my past sin and my guilt I felt unworthy and exempt from God's grace. I truly believed eternal salvation was not in my future. This also affected my relationships with other christians and again I felt like an outsider. I was sure I was the only christian woman who had sinned in this way. I went on feeling far from God, feeling guilt and despair. Well, God started working on me through meditating, thinking on His Word and through my wonderful community group. God said to me, "Susie, your still my child and I can bear your misery no longer". Much like God told the Israelites in Judges 10, verse 18. I started to internalize and recognize in my heart that God did love me, that I was redeemable and that it grieved Him to continue carrying around all that guilt and shame. Guilt, shame, feelings of unworthiness are not of God. Of course, Satan loves it because it keeps us from growing closer to God. I finally understood what my community group leader tried to explain to me a few years ago from 1 John 1, verse 9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness". How healing and freeing God's Word became to me. I was forgiven and now I look forward to eternal salvation and a new heaven and a new earth.
My co-leader and I, with God's Word and guidance want to make eternal salvation and bring restoration to women who hurt from past abortion through a Bible Study called "Saveone" by Sheila Harper. The next study will begin in January, 2010. If there is any woman interested in this study and God's saving grace and have questions or comments, please post them and I will help in any way. Or you may call me at 301-843-1151 or email me at Thank you.